Thursday, January 7, 2010

Finished Tile

Here is the finished product of our new tile. It is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!
We used to have carpet under our table. The tile makes our kitchen feel so much bigger.
TA DA! I went through and cleaned everything in the kitchen. Deep cleaned the fridge, the counters, dusted everything that collected dust from putting in the tile. It feels like a whole new kitchen! Good thing I have all this time on my hands since I am no longer working.

Monday, August 13, 2007

What did you learn today? (8/13/07)

Today we listened to one another's power point presentations. It was fun to see what was exciting to everyone else and what we each learned.

Friday, August 10, 2007

How many languages do you speak?

I speak, read, and write English and Spanish fluently. I can understand 95% of what I read and hear in Portugese as well as carry on basic conversations.

What did you learn today? (8/10/07)

Today we talked about how to finish off our GIS assignments with a North Arrow, a scale, a legend, etc.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

What did you learn today? (8/9/07)

Today we worked on GIS some more. I learned how to modify the DEM files.

What's your claim to fame?

I'm a pretty good athelete. I like soccer and basketball the best, but I have played tennis, football, golf, baseball, volleyball, ultimate frisbee, frisbee golf, ping pong, croquet, ice skating, roller blading, mountain biking, rock climbing, swimming, etc. I can pick up on any sport pretty fast and play it decently well. It helps that I am very competitive in everything that I do, which leaves me unsatisfied with anything other than winning!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Tell me about your best teacher/class experience:

It is hard for me to choose a favorite, so I will classify my selections into three categories: GE teachers, Religion teachers, and "Major" teachers. My favorite GE instructor is Scott Walker, for my Honors 200P English class my freshman year. He was really good at teaching us how to write and helping us express our ideas. My favorite Religion teacher is Todd Parker. I've had him 3 times now and I love his class. Finally, my favorite "Major" teacher is Scott Ritter.